Der Studiengang ist grundständig und wird angeboten von der Hochschule accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg in … Ready to get started? CIES organizes and offers a one-year postgraduate sports executive program, endorsed by FIFA, which consists of three modules that are taught across three universities in Europe, and concludes with a final project. 2. 1. Here you will not only acquire advanced knowledge in the areas of sport policy, sport finance, business analytics, digital marketing, event management and research, but you will also further develop your business and leadership skills. Your extensive economic knowledge also qualifies you for tasks outside the sport industry, such as marketing and controlling for international companies, or the business administration of cities and municipalities. What does it take to lead sport organisations to success? Mehrfach international ausgezeichnet. The International Sport Management programme provides high quality education to the next generation of reflective and skilled sport managers with a global mind-set, able to work in the complex and international environment surrounding sport organisations.”, Head of Department Sport Studies - track ISMB is a four-year bachelor degree programme focused on business and management within the international sports industry. Bad Homburg 1-50. Its aim is to advance understanding and communication between members of the global community who share a professional, personal or scholarly interest in the state and development of physical education and sport around the world. Do you have a talent for organisation, an analytical mindset and good communication skills? You will acquire important management skills to take on strategic and operational tasks in a complex and international environment. International Sports Studies (ISS) is a scholarly journal in the field of physical education and sport with a unique focus. At LUNEX University, we support dual careers by giving talented athletes the flexibility to organise their studies around their training. You will also acquire basic knowledge in financial management, marketing and sports law and develop key academic skills. Da dies unserer Meinung nach aber noch nicht ausreicht, bieten wir ab Januar 2021 unser Studium komplett in englischer Sprache als "International Sports Management" an. E-mail: Profitieren Sie von mehr und längeren Praxisphasen als an den meisten Hochschulen und bereiten Sie sich in facettenreichen Praxisprojekten und spannenden Case Studies bestens auf den Berufseinstieg vor. In the bachelor’s degree in international sport management, you will address these and other questions. Your expertise in market research, product development and sales is in demand in the sporting goods industry. In principle, we need the following documents for your application: Depending on the degree programme (Bachelor/Master) and your country of origin (EU/non-EU), further documents may be required. Die Studieninhalte setzen sich aus den Bereichen Sportwissenschaft, Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Public Relations zusammen. Just fill out our Online Application Form. Finanzmanagement im Sport. Fill out our Online Application Form. For example, how about our master's programme in International Sport Management? A.) ), Ethnologie / Sozial-& Kulturanthropologie, Islamwissenschaften, Japanologie, Judaistik. As an applicant for one of our Bachelor’s programmes, you will be invited to attend an Application Day. Der Studiengang ist grundständig und wird angeboten von der Hochschule International School of Management in Dortmund. Der Fokus des Sport-Management Studiums liegt auf betriebswirtschaftlichen … This includes business administration, economics, financial management and investment, sport marketing, sports law and policy, human resource management, entrepreneurship and media management in sport. During an internship you will gain occupational experience in a professional environment. Das Studienangebot umfasst 40 Studiengänge. At the same time, the sport industry is becoming increasingly professional and is positioning itself internationally in the face of advancing globalisation. More and more sports products and services are coming onto the market. Bachelor Internationales Business Management (Fachrichtung) | Mit fortschreitender Globalisierung steigen auch die Anforderungen an Unternehmen, angemessen darauf zu reagieren und sich an grenzüberschreitenden Prozessen auszurichten. 3 Historie 1980 Betriebswirtschaft und Fremdsprachen International College Business Training Center 1990 International Business School (heute accadis) International Sport Management ist der perfekte Studiengang für mich, denn ich interessiere mich für wirtschaftliche Themen und mag es, zu managen und mit anderen Menschen in Kontakt zu kommen. 2020 . This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Personalmanagement Studium. Information Als BWL-Spezialist für International Sports Management ist Ihr Sportsgeist gefragt – in Vereinen und Verbänden ebenso wie bei Großveranstaltungen oder in Unternehmen, die sich mit Vermarktungsstrategien und Finanzierungskonzepten beschäftigen. Great, then you already have some of the most important qualities for a bachelor’s degree in International Sport Management. The M.Sc. Marketing Studium. Studium International Sports Management Startschuss Abi – Berlin 24.01.2009. You can apply online at any time. Bei dem Studiengang International Sports Management gehören Vorlesungen wie Sportmarketing, Sportvereins- und Personalmanagement oder Sport und Finanzen dazu. The duration and intensity of the programme will be individually tailored to your level of knowledge. Take part in one of our Application Days. 3. B.A. You can expect practical and scientifically sound study contents from the fields of management, finance, sport marketing, media and communication, and sports law. Unterstützt wirst Du von 5 Stipendien wie das der Deutschen Telekom. The International Sport Management programme at LUNEX University provides you with fundamental business knowledge and management skills that prepare you for the specific tasks in the international sport business. Wirtschaftspsychologie studieren. You will receive your study contract from us by e-mail. Zeit für ein erstes Praktikum bleibt auch. These developments require a high demand for professionally trained sport managers. accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg, Bachelor. You will acquire sound knowledge and skills in the areas of finance, investment, accounting and governance. Understanding the business off the pitch: Prevention & rehabilitation throughout the lifespan, University entrance qualification or equivalent qualification, Copy of the highest educational and/or vocational qualification. Bachelor of Arts | 9 Trimester (Vollzeit, dual, Studium plus Praxis) accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg. If you are an applicant from outside the EU, you should note that the application process for a visa can take four to eight weeks. International Sport Management, Head of Department of International Sport ManagementChair of the Exam Board, We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to provide answers to your questions about LUNEX University and our study programmes: Based on the test results achieved there, we will decide whether you will be admitted directly to the course of study or whether you should first participate in our Pre-Bachelor Foundation Programme to complete and expand your knowledge. It only takes three steps to start your studies. Dadurch, dass das Studium speziell auf die Sportwelt ausgerichtet ist, ist es für mich noch interessanter. International School of Management . With an introduction to applied economics in sports, you will recognise the nature of sport products within the global economy. You will get to know the particulars of human resource management in the sport industry and use this knowledge to develop positive group dynamics. Speziell für den Studiengang International Sports Management gehören u. a. die Themenbereiche Sportökonomie, Sportmarketing, Sport und Finanzen sowie Sportvereins- und Personalmanagement zum Curriculum. Es handelt sich um ein Präsenzstudium. If you are unable to travel to Luxembourg on the Application Day, please contact us. In addition, we provide you with essential tools for the successful marketing of sport clubs and sports brands. As a manager for top athletes, you establish connections to sponsors and advertising partners. Aktuell studieren rund 3.400 Studenten an der ISM. Consulting Projekt. After receiving your online application for one of our study programmes, we will invite you to one of our Application Days. Sport is a billion-dollar industry. Do you wish to be optimally prepared for your studies at LUNEX University? International Sports Management. Diese Fachrichtung befähigt Studierende dazu, internationale Unternehmensstrategien zu entwickeln und umzusetzen. Please contact us for an individual advice! In addition, we promote your personal and social skills so that you can cope with critical and demanding situations in your later professional life. Mit der Zusammenstellung finden Schüler alles wichtige: von der Studienwahl bis zur Studienfinanzierung. International Sports Management umfasst ein integriertes Auslandssemester in Europa im vierten Semester. How does the ” product sport ” reach its target group? International Sports Management (B. Tourismus & Eventmanagement studieren. : Management von Sportinstitutionen. A promising future is expected. Potential employers and areas of application are: Sport is a global player whose economic and social importance is constantly growing. International Sports Management AUSBILDUNGSART: Bachelorstudium Masterstudium PhD Diplomstudium Doktoratsstudium Bakkalaureat Magisterstudium Lehramtsstudium Individuelles Magisterstudium Individuelles Studium Finance, Investment & Accounting in Sport Business, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport Business. A selection procedure will take place on this day to check whether you meet the necessary prerequisites for the course. Please read it carefully, print it out and sign it. In addition, you will get advanced insights in important management-related topics such as sport policy, health promotion, business ethics & corporate social responsibility, and entrepreneurship & innovation. Fachliche Spezialisierung – International Management: Internationales Vertriebs- und Kommunikationsmanagement, Marketing-Management, Internationale Wirtschaftspolitik, 2. The course provides you with economic and business know-how and optimally prepares you for a job in the international sport business. In order to complete your application, please send the signed study agreement along with all other required evidence documents by post to LUNEX University. International Sports Management. We will inform you in the course of the application process which supporting documents have to be provided and when. We’ll show you just how the application works. Konzeption, Koordination und Realisation von sportlichen Veranstaltungen. In the Pre-Bachelor Foundation Programme you will improve your English language skills. Die Sport- & Eventbranche boomt und das Business ist heute internationaler denn je. Fundamental to this is the acquisition of business contents that are oriented towards the special requirements of the sports industry. Logistik Studium. Mit Sportmanagement Studium das Hobby zum Beruf machen Im Sportmanagement Bachelor steht die praxisnahe Vermittlung der Studieninhalte im Fokus. Finally, you will develop your research skills. Ob Sportmarketing, Sportproduktmanagement oder Management internationaler Sportevents – das Sportmanagement Studium vereint umfassende BWL-Inhalte mit gezieltem Fachwissen aus der Sportbranche. Studium. Sport- und Fitness-Management: Im Sportmanagement-Studium bekommst du grundlegendes kaufmännisches und Management-Wissen vermittelt, immer mit direktem Bezug zum Sport. Luxembourg. International Sports Management is the perfect programme for me, because I am interested in economics, I like to manage and to get in touch with other people. In practical exercises, you will develop professionally relevant management expertise, including intercultural management, negotiation and decision making skills. Interested in starting your dual career? Durch Pflichtpraktika mit internationalem Bezug im In- und Ausland, Workshops, Sportcamps sowie erfahrene Dozenten aus der Wirtschaft , erlebst du Sportmanagement hautnah und … You will learn how to lead sport organisations to success through strategic management and acquire the necessary legal and business knowledge to operate sport organisations. Dies können LehrerInnen schnell und einfach einsetzen. In sport clubs and associations you will take on responsible tasks in finance, business administration and/or human resource management. Wenden Sie die Theorie aus dem International Sports Management-Studium direkt in der Praxis an. International Sports Management - 14 Studiengänge - Studis Online Studiengang: International Sports Management (Vollzeitstudium) - Hochschule: accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg - Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts - Regelstudienzeit: 9 Semester / 180 ECTS Punkte International Sports Management (ISM) wurde 1990 gegründet und befasst sich speziell im Bereich des Fußball-, Tennis- und Handballsports mit folgenden Aufgaben: Beratung, Betreuung und Management von Spitzensportlern. Der Bachelor-Studiengang International Sports Management kombiniert klassische Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Sport, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Sportökonomie liegt. Modemanagement Studium. Management von Sportprodukten. Are you enthusiastic about sports and the business behind it? International Sports Management is the perfect programme for me, because I am interested in economics, I like to manage and to get in touch with other people. The skills you acquire also certify you for management positions outside the sport industry. Finally, you will write your bachelor thesis. Please print it out, sign it and send it by post to LUNEX University together with the relevant documents listed in the e-mail. Last but not least, our lecturers will familiarise you with the scientific research methods you will need to write your bachelor dissertation. Der B.A. In view of a growing market and the professionalisation of sport, the need for qualified sport managers is growing. Informieren Sie sich hier ausführlich über das Studium International Sports Management zum Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). Das Masterstudium für eine Top-Karriere im Sport & Event Management. wird das Fundament für Ihr Studium gelegt. 51-100. 1. - … Auf der Suche nach einer Wohnung oder einem WG-Zimmer? International Sports Management an der International School of Management: Praxisnähe - durch Exkursionen, Praktika mit internationalem Bezug sowie Workshops Internationalität - durch bis zu zwei integrierte Auslandssemester und Wahlfremdsprachen Persönliche Atmosphäre - durch kleine Lerngruppen und interaktiven Unterricht “At LUNEX, we really get to know students from day one and we plan exciting group activities that enhance the learning experience while really taking the time to make sure everyone understands. Mit einem Sports Management-Studium an der accadis Hochschule werden Sie Doppel-Spezialist für Betriebswirtschaft plus Sport. You will learn how to recognise changes in the market, develop business strategies for sport organisations and implement them successfully. Further study contents are sport sponsoring, brand management and customer relationship management. Master-Studium International Sport & Event Management (M.A.) During your study, entrepreneurial skills and spirit will provide a solid foundation as you learn to research, plan, organise, lead, manage and evaluate the business of sport. Please print it out, sign it and then send it to LUNEX University by post, along with the evidence documents specified in the email. LUNEX – International University of Health, Exercise and Sports S.A. 50, avenue du Parc des Sports / Your career options with a degree in Sport & Event Management. Bachelor ESPORTS Management: ️Neben Hobby & Beruf ️100% Praxisnah ️Studentische eSports-Organisation Jetzt informieren. Application for a Master’s programme: International Sports Management. The language of instruction in all courses at LUNEX University is English. Wirtschaftsinformatik studieren. Sie erwerben fundierte betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse und branchenspezifisches Wissen. You should therefore be able to speak and understand English well. 2. Managing Winners - Studium International Sports Management Peter Kexel Startschuss Abi – Frankfurt 07. You will also learn how to manage and evaluate projects and how to manage risk. Sport Management is a highly research oriented degree program emphasizing an international perspective. Sport Manager Studium. How does sport become a profitable business? 4671 Differdange / Sport arouses emotions and inspires people around the world. During your studies you will gain comprehensive knowledge about all aspects of sport management. Fill out our Online Application Form. The successful conclusion of the program merits the award of FIFA Master International in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport. Für junge Studieninteressierte hat Studis Online ein Arbeitsblatt zur Studienorientierung zusammen gestellt. Studieren an der ISM. To successfully promote and profitably use sporting events, you plan and implement marketing campaigns and seek sponsorship agreements and media coverage. Das Sportmanagement Studium richtet sich an angehende Sportfachwirte, die ein betriebswirtschaftliches Studium mit dem Fachwissen aus der Branche und der Wirtschaft des Sports anreichern wollen. Neben internationalem Sport- und BWL-Wissen erweitern Sie zusätzlich Ihre interkulturellen sowie sprachlichen Kompetenzen. International Sports Management kann in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Berlin, Dortmund, Hamburg, Köln, Mainz und München studiert werden. Bachelor in International Sport Management. International Sports Management studieren: accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg ... Abgerundet wird dieses sportive Studium durch zwei Fremdsprachen, ein Consulting-Projekt, ein Projektstudium und ein Auslandsstudium an einer Partneruniversität. More details will be provided to you in good time. Business Intelligence Studium. Mit einem Sports Management-Studium an der accadis Hochschule werden Sie Doppel-Spezialist für Betriebswirtschaft plus Sport. Informiere dich hier ausführlich über das Studium International Sports Management zum Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). Mit unseren Tipps kein Problem! Im Sports Management Studium legen Sie in den ersten drei Semestern das Fundament, auf dem Ihre künftige berufliche Entwicklung basiert – Sie erlernen die wichtigsten Inhalte aus Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Volkswirtschaftslehre und Recht. 2 accadis Campus Du Pont-Straße 4 – 61352 Bad Homburg. From football to fashion, concerts to trade fairs – live events shape the world and are of huge economic importance. LUNEX University offers the best opportunity to combine my higher education and my football career in Luxembourg. To secure a study place, we recommend that you send us your documents as soon as possible – but at the latest two weeks before the start of your studies. Whether in sport or in business, in a national or international environment, a wide variety of exciting tasks are waiting for you! Finanzmanagement Studium. Jetzt bewerben . After completing your bachelor's degree in International Sport Management, you will work at the interface between sport and business. 101-150... 251-252 > Noch nicht den richtigen Studiengang gefunden? Dabei wird ein breites Themenspektrum vermittelt, u.a. Information on the handling of your data can be found in the privacy policy. With the bachelor degree in International Sport Management at LUNEX University you will become a sport professional beyond the sidelines. We will invite you to attend in person. Please make sure you give yourself plenty of time. … International Management Studium. Therefore the objectives are to establish a sound expertise based on current research problems and to develop a scientific basis for decision-making in international sport management.